Tuesday, September 13, 2016

learning something new

I actually said, "I did not know that."

     I texted John and Emily that it was so nice, I had the dogs out and the back door open with the screen door in place.
     I was staying at their house while they went to a football game.
     John texted me that dogs can't see screen doors at night.
     I replied, "I did not know that."
     Which would explain why Cooper came flying through the screen door, knocking out the mesh and taking the door  off the track.
     I now realize there are many things I don't know.  I would think that by my advanced age, I would know it all.  In fact, some people have even used that as a descriptor, as in here comes the know it all.  Now that I think of it, that isn't a good thing.
     Some secretary of state said something like we don't know what we don't know, and sometimes we don't know what we do know, but we don't know that.
     That seems to fit me.
     Speaking of where they went, it was Bristol TN, a place my friend Beth goes to for Nascar racing.
     Over the weekend they converted the track into a stadium and 156,990 people went to watch a game.  I actually saw John and Emily on tv.  I could not identify them, but the network did show the entire stadium during the game.  Since they were there, I saw them.  Unless they had gone to the bathroom at that exact moment, in which case I didn't see them.
     But I don't know if I know what I think I saw.
     Clear as mud.  And it covers the ground.
     Good night, and God bless.

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