Sunday, September 11, 2016

Yip Yip Yippy

What a racket

     I don't know where they were, but the coyotes were very loud last night.
     I stood on my porch and listened to them....then I went to Emily's and heard them again, closer this time.
     Part of me likes the means we are still in a wilderness of sorts.  The hustle and bustle sound of the big city is stripped away, and the yips rolling across the fields dominate the night sounds.
     They are a little unnerving.  People with small pets, like ours, need to be aware at night when the little ones go out.
     And I imagine walking in the park could end up in a confrontation with a couple of coyotes, although they normally don't bother humans, or so I am told.
     I can't wait until we have a fire in the back yard and are sitting around, talking, watching the flames and the stars.....and listening to the howl of the pack.  The moon shining, the echo of the train as it rumbles across the land.  And the yips.  That would be pretty cool.
     I'll be sure to have Corki on a leash....just in case.

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