Friday, September 2, 2016

strange things

We went shopping today

     We bought a new mattress.  This is supposed to be the big weekend for mattress sales, so we shall see if our bargain was as good as some others.
     We bought it at Macy's in Oakbrook......and found some other interesting items.
     Like rugs.
     Really nice rugs.
     Here is a picture of the price tag of the one I liked.

     Yes, it is a genuine had woven rug.  But Jackie said we could not afford this one.
     So, I showed her the one next to it.

     Yes, I think  "unique one of a kind rug" sums up this one.
     I also saw some $8,000 matttess sets........we did not buy one of those.
     I know we are fortunate in our lives.  But we are not fortunate enough to buy a rug that literally cost more than our first house.
     So I wonder ,who buys them?  Obviously someone does, or they would not have them in stock and for sale.  
     I guess it is like all big ticket items I see in life.  I always wonder what occupation allowed that person to spend $36,000 on a rug, or $120,000 on a car ,or $5 million on a house.
     I know it wasn't teaching, but yet teaching led us to a comfortable life.
     A couple of other photos that may be interesting.  Or not.
     We had a storm a couple of nights ago and it got pretty windy in town.  A corn field along the bike path was almost flattened.
     And.......honeydew?  Or honey don't?
     Good night, and sweet dreams.

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