Wednesday, September 7, 2016

oh so wrong......

I think people have gone crazy

     And not in a good way.
     You know, when you laugh and dance around with a lamp shade on your head or think the Bears will win 5 games.  Not that kind of crazy.
     Two articles I read today dealt with love and marriage and craziness.
     One was about a woman in Oklahoma who gave her daughter up for adoption when the girl was an infant.  The woman is in her 40s, the girl in her 20s.  When they reunited, they began dating and got married!
     Previously she married her son, who had the marriage annulled on the grounds that incest was illegal.
     How does a sane person even think of marrying their offspring?  Let alone twice!
     And the Clovis New Mexico couple who are madly in love.  She is 39, he is 19.  He is also her son and they have a sexual relationship!
     My skin is crawling!!
     Have we started drinking something that effects our brains?  Oh my goodness.
     I have to stop reading stuff on line.

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