Monday, September 26, 2016


I confess I get easily distracted

     If you tell me two or three things at one time, I may focus on only one of the bunch.
     Take the direction:  stay on 480 to Cleveland.
     So I followed the sign that said, "to Cleveland."
     Unfortunately, 480 went the other direction.  Which did pose a problem.
     But the bright side was we got to tour downtown Cleveland, and it only took about 20 minutes longer.
     We also took a scenic route through part of Ohio.  I don't understand why the lady in the phone took us off the interestate and put us on a two lane road, but I followed those directions, albeit unwillingly.
     That was over one half hour of driving down fairly unscenic roads through unscenic towns with unscenic houses along the way.
     Coming to our lodging for the night, Jackie said the directions said take Exit 52 W.
     52 W?  Who the hell names an exit 52 W?
     So, I took 52 A, which was no where near where we wanted to go.
     After getting back on 90 north, I drove for another couple of miles until we hit 52 E and 52 W!
     Again!  Who labels exits 52 multiple times with letters like E and W?
     We finally got to the hotel, and it is very nice.  We passed an Applebee's and thought that might be a good place to go, cheap but not a "fast food" type place.
     So we pulled back out onto the main road and Jackie said, "There it is on the right."
     I saw a road and turned.
     We were back on 90, headed south.
     Turns out when she said it is on the right, she was NOT describing the road I should take.
     We went down to 52 A, got off, got back on 90 and headed back to the north.  But this time I did take 52 E just to see what was on that end of the road.
     We ended up back at Applebee's about 7 p.m
     It only took us 35 minutes to drive basically across the parking lot from the hotel.
     We were  hungry and ordered pretty simple fare. I even had a glass of red wine...pinot noir by a source I said I should remember but now I don't.  Maybe Little Black Dress? 7:30, Jackie asked it it seemed a long time for our food.
     5 minutes later the server came and informed us tha our food was burned to a crisp and was being redone.  Because of that, we would not be charged for the meal.
     So....all in all, it was not a bad day.
     If it hadn't rained all day, we might have seen some nice scenery.
     Maybe tomorrow.

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