Thursday, September 15, 2016

really? you can't put it down??

I have noticed lots of people are on cell phones

     Yes, I have one.  Yes, I take pictures with it.  I call with it.  I text with it.  Call me crazy, but I find it useful.
     But watch the people at a baseball game.
     When they show fans in the stands, half of them are on their cell phones and they are not looking at the game!
     Not only is it dangerous, but you go to a game to watch the game!
     I know some of them are idiots who like to wave to the camera every time someone watching at home tells them to....sorry if any of you do that.
     But seriously...your cell phone is not going to capture any great action pictures at a game.  And I have taken lots of pictures at baseball games with the cell phone, and not many of them are very good.
     I also was at a play lot where there were lots of little kids.  Most of the adults were on cell phones, texting I assume, and not even paying attention or interacting with their youngsters.
     So my advice to all parents:  put down your cell phone and play with your kids.
     Last complaint....I promise.  The Tribune had a story in the on line edition about a young girl who sent her boyfriend a picture of her in only her bra and panties.  She was 13.
     Of course, the boy promptly showed it to his friends, exposing the girl to humiliation and ridicule.
     As the story went, this boy had several girl friends who sent pictures.  All the pictures were passed around to his friends and classmates.
     It was devastating to the girls.
     What was truly frightening is one of the girls said it was common in this school for girls as young as sixth grade to send naked pictures to their "boyfriends."
     Sixth grade.  Maybe 12, or 11 years of age.
     The boy is also a juvenile, but authorities are considering filing charges involving possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.
     Several youngsters, scarred for life.
     This needs to be a topic talked about by every parent, grandparent, teacher, minister...... young kids just need to know what the effects of this can be.
     And with that, I am plugging in my cell phone so it can recharge, and going to bed so my brain can recharge.

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