Monday, September 12, 2016

flexibility is the key

I had a tiring day today

     I had to take the van in for an oil change.  Lately I notice the front end feels funny when I hit the brakes.
     I figure, bring my bike in the van, ride the bike path when they change the oil and check the brakes, load the bike, go to the store and go home.
     Well....they said about 4 hours for the van.  There was another car ahead of us with a major repair.
     So, I took the bike, rode the bike path, had coffee, and rode home.
     Now Todd knows I don't like to ride in wind (or cold, rain, snow, heat, too much sun, too many clouds) and when I hit Husking Peg Road, I reminded myself how much I don't like riding into the wind.
     It was pretty strong for an old guy on a bike.  And it got worse when I turned down Center Road.
     I eventually made it home, tired and sweaty, but home.
     So I mowed.
     When they called with the news that the brakes were bad and it would be close to $600, I mowed some more.
     But the van is ready for our trip east.  New worries.
     And the yard is mowed, new trees watered, dog it is time for me to sleep on our new mattress.
     I don't think sleep will be a problem.
     I love this building on Hemstock.......

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