Sunday, September 18, 2016


I may have gained 20 pounds today

     And it was all my fault.
     It is Camryn's birthday and they came over for some cake.  We got a chocolate cake from Portillos......and I can't begin to tell you how absolutely, positively,  awesomely gooey those cakes are.
     And John made macaroni and was sooooooo goooood!  O was added for emphasis.
     I ate too much and decided I had to do something to balance out my gluttony.
     I took Corki for a walk.  Then I  saw a neighbor out on his bike.
     I got home and since it was not yet 7, decided to ride around the block, checking out the new road.
     I managed to put 6.4 miles on the bike, riding around the block three times.  I might have eaten a few bugs.
     I think I have to ride about 30 times to make up for the food I ate.
     But it was very good.
     Thanks Camryn for having a birthday!


  1. Lol again Terry that You wrote is FuNny !Lol!Great to Know your staying in shape Good Friend👍keep up the Good Work Brother!✊

  2. Lol again Terry that You wrote is FuNny !Lol!Great to Know your staying in shape Good Friend👍keep up the Good Work Brother!✊
