Wednesday, September 21, 2016

humility, again

I actually read a Rockford newspaper today

     It was in the waiting room while Jackie was doing PT.  So, I picked it up and spent the next 10 minutes reading about life and all the crap that goes with it.
     The most uplifting, and depressing, story was about the 89 year old man who has won 89 medals in bicycle racing!
     The last race he won was a 12 mile event he finished in something like 33 minutes.
     I think that is great, but I am a little envious.  I ride a 12 mile distance in about 90 minutes....more if I stop for coffee.
     That means that old guy would kick my butt in a race, and he is 89!
      I used to think as I got older, I would be more competitive with people.  I mean, people slow down with age.  I figure if I did not speed up to start with, I would be right there at the top near the end of life as I know it.
     This older gent has proven me wrong.
     He has improved with age, getting faster then when he won the same event last year.
     I am thinking there are not a lot of people bicycle racing in the 90 + category.      But just the fact he does it makes me a little jealous.
     He did say he rides about 25 miles a week while in Illinois for the summer, but he rides more when he goes to Florida for the winter.  Down there, he has a group he rides with.
     Maybe that's the secret.
     Anyway, I have ridden 371 miles so far this year.  I had hoped to hit 500 by the first of October, but I don't think that is possible.  Hell, 400 is a little out of sight.
     But I may come close.
     If the weather holds, I can ride longer and maybe get to that 500 mark by November.  Who knows, by then it might start to get chilly outside.
     Now all I have to do is find a group of old folks who ride.......

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