Wednesday, February 3, 2016

get a job

I had never heard of the Naked Cowboy

     It's a New York City thing.
     A regular guy stands in Times Square, wearing his tidy whidies, and carrying a guitar.
     He sings and poses for pictures with tourists.
     He has been doing this for several years in all sorts of weather...rain, snow, sleet, hail....he is out there almost naked and playing his guitar.
     Last year he made about $150,000.  If you believe the news reports, he made about $150,000.  For being in his underwear.  In Times Square.  Playing a guitar.
     I have never been to New York.  So Renee, Julie, Jimmy....if you read this, have you seen the guy?
     There were pictures of him during the recent blizzard.  He was out there, snow up to his knees practically, playing his guitar.  In his underwear.  I'm shivering just thinking about him.
     Which brings to mind a question.  It is bakeware, but underwear.  Why?  Outerwear, cookware.  I don't understand our language.
     There's also a woman who wears nothing but body paint and will pose for a picture with you.  I won't make any comment.  I don't think she can be out in the rain.
     So I'm thinking, wouldn't that be a draw in downtown Rochelle once the branding gets underway?
     No Beth, I am not volunteering.  Even without my goiter, I am not underwear model material.
     But I am sure there is someone in Rochelle who is.
     We could have a Mr. Underwear Rochelle contest to choose the best person to represent the craziness of our world and grant him territorial rights to stand outside and pose for pictures with tourists.
     And they will come.
     Field of Dreams taught us that.
     Years ago there was a TV show on called, "The Naked City."  I watched it and liked it.  It always started with something like, "There are three and a half million people in the Naked City.  This is their story."  Or something along those lines.
     So, that's my brilliant idea of the day!
     Feel free to share it with the powers that be.

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