Sunday, February 28, 2016

got a lot of watchin to do

I need to see some movies

     I have seen Bridge of Spies and The Martian, but I want to see Inside Out and Spotlight.  I am uncertain about the Revenant, or however you spell it.
     Movies with a lot of blood and gore don't sit well with me.
     Every year I say I am going to watch the Oscar nominated films before the Oscars, but I never do.  I still have not seen last year's!
     I thought Chris Rock did a good job at chiding the nominating process and Hollywood in general.
And I loved the Girl Scout cookie sale....over $60,000 raised, which is not amazing considering all the money in the room.
      The guy who commented on best documentary was funny too.
      So, while the awards are still on going, I am a little disinterested.  I will jump back in front of the tv when they hit best actor, actress and movie.....but it loses a little luster when you have not seen the movies.
     And again, I wonder where to see the short films and documentaries....maybe Netflix will have them.
     Lady Gaga was amazing.... and the message so strong.  Hope it makes a difference.
      I don't know what happened today.  It just disappeared.  Figuratively, of course.
      I learned how to use my I Phone and Jackie's old I Pad.  I will be taking them along when I go away, and Emily and John came over to show me how to use them.
     Talked to Julia, who is recovering from a case of pneumonia.  I should have taken that chicken soup to her!  She sounds better, but not great.
     I did a funny thing yesterday, for the second time.  MK and S were over and we played a little euchre.  As they were leaving, they smelled a funny smell in the garage.  I did too.
     Seems someone hit one of the on buttons on the gas grill and the burner was on.  I said before I was always going to turn off the gas at the tank to avoid that.  Well, I did not learn.
     Lucky I don't smoke....that may have been interesting.
     In fact, I may have gotten a bang out of the whole night!
     Awards...still going.
     Unlike me.

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