Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I can't eat that

I need to stop reading the news

     I saw a video tonight on a bag of salad greens  that had a huge spider in it, crawling around.
     It was a huntsman spider from Australia, and while the bag and spider were both on that famous country continent, I still am wary.
     Now I won't be able to buy bags of salad to eat during Lent.
     A few weeks ago I saw two articles on bags of bananas bought with black widow spiders in them.       The spiders were alive.
     I can't even walk past the bananas without shaking and keeping a wary eye out.
     When I do pick up a bunch, I shake it for about 2 minutes to knock out any spiders that may be hiding.
     Drinking tap water?
     Not if you have lead pipes coming into your house.
     Breathe the air?
     Not if you live near a smoke belching, carbon emitting manufacturing plant and want to live to a ripe old age.
     The world is a festering germ and pest hotel, waiting for us poor unsuspecting humans to venture into it for respite and rest.  Or is it repast?  I am confused.
     The news is too scary, too frightening, too much of everything.
     And every minor thing is a huge deal.
     Cam Newton doesn't feel happy after a Super Bowl loss and he is criticized.  The biggest game of his life and he didn't play as well as he usually does and he knew it.....no wonder he was sad and depressed.  Yet he is supposed to put on a happy face and pretend the loss didn't figuratively break his heart.
     He's getting more media attention than the refugees dying on beaches in Greece, or the numbers of people who have died from heroin overdoses in the past week.  That's a sad comment on the media.
     Now that was a tangent.
     Anyway, Lent is approaching and I do want to change some things in my life.
     Instead of giving up things, I am going to start doing things....like walking, not looking at Yahoo news, (maybe that's a give up?) watching more cat videos, eating non spidery foods.
     Hopefully in 40 days I can get out of my wilderness.
     And hopefully the world can get out of its wilderness, which is a much bigger mess than mine.
     Time to read.

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