Wednesday, February 17, 2016

change is not always good

We switched over to Xfinity

     We have a new dvr box and a new remote.
     The remote is very neat.  It works even if pointed away from the tv.  Multi directional, I believe is how they described it.
     And it has a voice activated option.  Push the button, hold it down and say the channel and bingo, it goes to that channel.
     Problem is, someone was using it the other night and activated the voice system.  So we will be watching a show and in the middle of the show a deep throated, very sexy woman, says totally weird things like, "Scandal, 33 minutes remaining."
     No one has touched the remote.  It just starts talking.
     It also talks when you go through the guide and stops on a channel.  "Big Bang Theory, 16 minutes left."
     It's highly annoying.
     At some point, we are going to have to figure out how to deactivate the sexy annoying voice.  It is terrible when you go to the menu and list your recordings.  It starts to tell you about the recording, which arrow to hit, which direction to go, which channel it is on....... drives me nuts.
     I pine (always wanted to use pine in a sentence that made sense) for the old days, when you had to get up and select one of the four channels you wanted to watch.  The days when a tv guide in the newspaper didn't take up half a page.  The days when I could watch WGN.  The days when my tv did not speak to me.
     But as Bob Dylan so aptly noted, "The times, they are a changin."
     I just wish I could keep up.

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