Monday, February 15, 2016

Oh....... yuck

I have to stop listening to the news

     WGN had a report on tonight about shoes.
     Studies by two universities have found large amounts of bacteria on the bottom of  shoes.  These are the same shoes you wear into your house and track across the floors.
     (Yes, we watched WGN channel 9.  We watch it via the computer and project it onto our tv.  If the narrow minded idiots who ran the Rockford channels and Comcast had any regard for their customers or potential customers, they would fix this so we did not have to jump through all those hoops.)
Highest types?  E coli!!!!!!  Also big, C Diff.    C Diff??? Holy crackers, Batman!!!
     Think about where you wear your shoes.
     If you are a guy and you have ever used a public restroom, you can get an idea.
     What the hell have we done in society?  We have put a man on the moon, developed basketball players who can hit 3 pointers from half a mile away, but we can't get men to actually pee in the urinal without hitting the floor.  As I guy, I am a little disgusted by that.
     Just walking down a street, where people have spit, dogs taken a leak, drunks vomited, and who knows what all else has happened on the sidewalk that you are innocently walking on and you get the idea that the bottom of a shoe is isn't the cleanest place in the world.
     One solution is to have the sanitizing wipes, the ones with bleach, by the door and wipe shoes off before you enter.
     Another solution is to leave your shoes at the door.
     At Julia's, she has friends who have a no shoe policy.  When you go into their house, you take off your shoes and put on the spare slippers or go barefoot.
     When we hiked up to a mountain hut, as soon as we entered there were places to put your shoes and crocs to wear inside.
     Another solution would be to buy those cloth slip ons that Realtors often have.  You leave the shoes on, but protect the people from the spread of bacteria.
     I don't want to offend people, but I don't want to get sick either.  They did say that this could be a problem for people with immune system issues.... like MS, lupus, and other nasty stuff.
     So I am in a quandary.
     Do I ask people to bring slippers?  Do I buy lots of slippers to have on hand, and spray them like they do in a bowling alley when people are done?  Do I get the little shoe covers.
     I am sure wifey will have a big say in any decision we make.
     Until then....treat your shoes like they are germ filled time bombs waiting to infect you.
     After all, they are.

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