Friday, February 5, 2016


My CC  was hacked today

    I received an e mail from Capital One about suspicious activity on my account.
    We had gone to the eye doctor this morning and charged new glasses.
    Sometime after that, someone tried to do an on line purchase of $39 for a dating service.
    That set off a red flag at Capital One and they suspended my account until I could contact them and verify the charge.
    There was also another for GITHub.....but that was for 0 dollars and 0 cents.
    This is a new chip card, which is supposed to increase security.  But the fraud person explained that any merchant where I swipe the card is a target for hacking.  Chip card readers will prevent that, but not all businesses have chip card readers.
    I am not out any money, but I will be out a lot of time.  We support several organizations on a monthly or quarterly basis with automatic charges to our card.  Since I am getting a new card, I have to call the agencies and update my information.
    I just did that two months ago.  It's a pain in the butt. but it has to be done.
    So I have been thinking of punishments for these criminals.
    Here are some possibilities.
    Lock them in a room with only a land line.  Have telemarketers call every 10 minutes.
    Make them listen to every single minute of every Republican debate between the presidential candidates.
    Put them in a cell and serve them ice cream every 4 hours.  Give them 5 minutes to eat.  Only provide sporks.
    Lock them in a room with Sarah Palin for three days, or until they can see Russia, whichever comes first.  You betcha!
     Have them clean bathrooms at a middle school, using only their tongues.
     Put their names and addresses on a special cheaters website so citizens can take their own revenge.... not that I am advocating violence.
     Have them read all my blogs.
     As you can see, I am pretty vindictive.
     It just irritates the snot out of me that there are low lifes who prey on people like me, just a schmuck wanting to go through life without problems or major speed bumps.
     Hmm.... speed bumps.  That might be another good use for them.
     Watch your cards.  Check your statements.  Pay attention to the e mails and only call the number on the back of your card.
     Be smart.  Be safe.

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