Wednesday, February 10, 2016

and now, a poem

An ode to Theodore Roosevelt

Twas the night before Teddy
and all though my mind
I'm looking for answers
I can't seem to find.

How does he sound,
I've often wondered
I know he talked loud
in fact, often thundered.

But recordings weren't made
in that early media age.
I find the words of TR
only printed on the page.

The script isn't memorized,
of that I am glad.
It's readers theater, so reading
won't make me feel bad.

Why feel bad,
I know you would ask.
I find my mind in old age
isn't up to the task.

Memorizing lines,
a must for a part,
maybe it's me, but
I don't have the heart.

But on with the show,
and Teddy I'll be.
Is it any good?
We'll just wait and see.

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