Monday, February 8, 2016


I often just wonder

Wonder, not wander.  Although I do wander from time to time.
But wonder.
I wonder where the little brown antique medicine bottle we had at Skare Court went to.
I wonder why I eat so much.
I wonder why my fingernails seem to grow so fast.
I wonder why I can't find spirit gum.
I wonder if my throat is sore, really sore, or just annoying me.
I wonder why I like dark chocolate so much more than milk chocolate.
I wonder why so many people hate.
I wonder if I will ever sort the 3,299 screws, nails, bolts and such I have on my workbench, or if I will just throw them out.
I wonder why I wanted a workbench.
I wonder why light bulbs don't all burn out at the same time.
I wonder why some of our lights have not burned out at all, because I want to replace them but there are four lights in the fixture.
I wonder why spell check on this site is so bizarre.
I wonder why I don't sleep at night.
I wonder where all the phone numbers of the agencies we donate to via automatic charges went after I wrote them down last time we got a new credit card.
I wonder where I will put them after writing the numbers down again because our card got hacked.
I wonder why people keep reading this.
I wonder  why I keep writing this.
I wonder if we will get snow tonight.
I wonder why I wonder.

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