Friday, February 19, 2016


Today was just a weird day

    I think the wind was a big part of that.  Semis blown over on 39.  The house rattling all day and all night.
     I went to the website of my author friend from yesterday's post.  The website took me to someone who does not look anything like the guy I know!  Yet, I found the site interesting and helpful to me.   So.. what is that word?  Serendipity.
     I went to walk inside at the exercise place.
     One of the perks of my health insurance is the Silver Sneakers program.  I can enroll at a gym recognized by my health care provider and work out for free.  My membership is billed on a daily basis to the insurance company.
     The fools think that will spurn someone like me to actually get off their fat butt and do something constructive, besides eat cookies and chocolate and play solitaire.
     Occasionally I get a bur under my saddle.  So I have gone several times in the past two weeks, walking about 1.5 miles almost each time.
     Once I forgot my key fob and went home.  Thursday I forgot my key fob but walked anyway.
     Today I remembered my key fob, but forgot my shoes.
     I seem to go there and not walk as often as I go there and walk.
     I filled my van up for 99 cents a gallon Wednesday.  That's why I didn't have my shoes today.
     I drove her van Wednesday because it was low on gas.  I use a rewards card and had 55 cents on it.  I filled the van for .99 a gallon.....or $15 and change total.  Reminded me of the good old days.
     Thursday I drove her to a library meeting and went to walk.  Put my shoes in the van.
     Today I drove my car and ...... no shoes.
     Maybe tomorrow.
     I just have to make sure I have the right shoes, the right car, the right frame of mind....
     Time will tell.

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