Saturday, February 6, 2016

feeling stuffed

We had a great dinner out tonight

     I had never been to the Greenfire Grill in Rockford.  John took all of us there tonight for dinner.
     I was a little disappointed in the fish entrees, but the bison burger I had was great.  Disappointed because I love whitefish...fresh, not frozen.  I might have gone with the salmon, but I have had salmon twice in the past week.
     The highlight came at dessert.
     They do a chef's sampler, for $4 you get a half serving of dessert.
     I had creme brulee and the Cafe Patau chocolate ecstasy......both of them were amazing, but the chocolate ecstasy was a great dessert.  Dark chocolate filling,  chocolate cake, little dabs  of ice was freakin' amazing.....and I am not lavish with praise on desserts.
     The wood fired pizzas looked and smelled great.  Jackie, Emily and Camryn had pizza while John and I munched on burgers.
     This is a place I would definitely go back to....even if it was just for a piece of ecstasy!
     So I am full......and fat....and I don't care!
     Sleep tight...don't let he hunger bug bite.
     Go Broncos!!

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