Sunday, February 14, 2016

maybe it's a start

I got my desk almost clean

     I organized.
     I hate wasting paper.  So I take paper that has a blank side, cut it in half so I have a 5 by 8 sheet and use those as note papers.  I put a huge clip on the top to hold it all together.
     When I need to make a note, I write on the paper.
     Sometimes I write on the top paper, sometimes I just flip open the pile and write.
     Movies I want to see.  Books I want to read.  Flowers that may do well.  Places to go.  Story ideas.  Blog ideas.
     You get the idea.
     Problem is, when I want to find the note, I have to go through all the pages.  And sometimes the clip comes off and everything spills on the floor.
     I took a spiral bound notebook and divided it into sections.  I put those sticky tabs at the start of each section.
     Then I went through the notes and put them in the right section.
     So on my movie list, I have about 20 movies I intend to see someday.  My book list is a little shorter and my plant list is up to about 12.
     Everything is in one a notebook marked :   "Stuff to keep and refer to over time."  Yes, I know.. .it's a little wordy.
     I hope that helps.
     I am also making sure I know when my meetings are.  I missed a Rotary meeting last Wednesday morning and a museum meeting Thursday.  It was one of those weeks.
Maybe it's not organization.  I also went into the pantry with my dirty dishes.  I realized I was in the wrong place, so I turned around and threw out all the silverware on the plate.  It was supposed to go in the dishwasher.
     It's funny in a way, but I know if it comes to the day when you find the Thanksgiving turkey in the bathroom, it will be time to worry.
     Meantime, the decision is use the snow blower tomorrow or not?  I am on restricted weight lifting, but I can start it and it is self propelled, so I am not lifting or pushing.
     Or, I can just let it melt......53 on Friday.
     I guess Nature knows best.

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