Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I predict....

I am becoming a fortune teller

     I can predict things.  Sometimes they come true.
     For example, I predict I will not get all the things done on my list by summer.  I can tell.  I have wasted the last couple of days when I should have been doing something.
     Well, wasted Monday anyway.  And Sunday, except I got caught up with Downton Abbey so I guess that was not a waste.
     I love the show.  There is something about period pieces I love more than modern shows.  Same as when I watch the Poirot shows, it is the olden times that capture my attention.
     In Downtown, at the very beginning they show a servant using a ruler to be sure the knives, forks and spoons are at the correct distances from the plates.  I'm lucky if I remember the silverware as I balance my food on my lap in front of the tv.
     Yes, there is a plot line....but I enjoy looking at the old cars, the ancient rooms, the grand estates.
     I think I was born too late and of the wrong class.
     I would like to go to Highclere Castle, which is the real Downton Abbey.  The owners do open it for tours on a regular basis because they need the money to keep the place operating.
     I honestly can't imagine the lifestyle the upper class led...the Earls, Lords and Ladies.  The way they just naturally assume people are there to serve them, and the way the servants feel there is no other way to live.
     I have to say my favorite character is Mr. Carson, the butler.  Just the way he moves fascinates me.  And that voice.........amazing.
     Anyway, here are some other predictions:
     I won't start to pack until March 12.
     I won't even think about what to take until March 12.
     I will forget to buy mosquito repellent.
     I won't get the basement area cleaned up that I had planned to finish before Julia came home....piles of crap still waiting to be swept into the garbage.
     I will lose 10 pounds before the wedding.  That is a minimum.
     I predict I am going to meet a strong bodied red in the next couple of days......one that will give me a sense of relaxation.
     I do hate to drink alone......just saying.

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