Thursday, February 25, 2016

I'm so tired

I am feeling very tired tonight

     What makes me so tired?  I know you are wanting to ask that.
     So here goes.
     I am tired of hearing presidential candidates waste hours insulting their opposition and the American public.  Tell us what you are going to do.  Be specific.  Round up 11 million people?  How??
     I am tired of hearing about mass shootings.  Something is wrong with a country that allow this to continue to happen.
     I am tired of both parties in Springfield posturing.  You were elected to run the state.  Run it.  Don't ruin it.
     I am tired of cold, snowy weather.  I need warmth and sunshine.
     I am tired of walking.  I need to ride my bike this weekends.
    I am tired of car commercials where the driver goes fast to impress us all on the amount of power under the hood.  We have speed limits in this country.  Try being responsible for a change.
     I am tired of lobbyists and special interest groups spending huge amounts of money to buy their candidate an office.  Not the American way.
     I am tired of seeing older men in sweatpants.  You don't look good.  Unless you are in a gym or exercising or having surgery, don't wear them in public.
     Ditto for pajamas.
     I'm tired of not being able to walk around in my garage.
     I'm tired of always having one extra sock when I do laundry.  You would think I would have a pair every other load, but by the time a second load gets washed, the first sock has run away.
     I'm tired of tieing shoes.
     I am tired of wearing a hat.  But if I don't, I just get colder.
     I'm tired of spending money.  It's not fun anymore.
     I'm tired of heartburn.
     I'm tired of not hearing from people when I send them a great free lance article.
     I'm tired of drinking wine.
     Nope, scratch that...I lied on the last one.

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