Thursday, February 4, 2016

never saw it coming

This dog is changing our lives

     I guess I never realized how much life would change with a dog.
     The endless hair on the floors and on my shirt.  I have more dog hair on my clothes than human hair on my head!
     I dust the floors, but the hair magically reappears within seconds.  So I bought a new hand held vacuum to try to suck up the hair.  Hopefully it will help.
     And those rollers with the sticky tape?  We have several.  Problem is, I can never find one when I need it.  And when I do find one, I can never peel off the dirty piece of sticky stuff to expose the new sticky stuff.  I peel off sections at a time and it takes forever to do it, so I just  go out hairy.
     I have to watch where I walk outside.  Corki may be a little dog, but she drops a big pile.  She squats, poops, walks two feet, and squats again.  So while you may miss the main event, the secondary is laying in wait.
     Whenever Jackie sits down with food, the dog is right under her.  No, we do not feed her table scraps....but someone seems to drop stuff.  Suffice it to say, we have to pick up blueberries and apples, but carrots, potato chips, pretzels and cinnamon apple straws get sucked up pretty quickly.
     We talk to the dog.  I know she does not understand us.   Or does she?
     If we say the word out, she jumps up and down.
     If we say the word food, her tail starts going like a metronome.
     She races to the word treat, no matter what part of the house it is coming from.
     When we get ready to go out we tell her to behave and what time we'll be home.  I just imagine her sitting on the floor, watching the clock.
     She never greets us at the door.  In fact, she seldom gets up when someone comes in the house.  I don't think she's a watch dog.  But if the dogs are out across the street, she is a non stop barking machine.
     And she snores.  Loudly.
     We have a routine in the morning.  The bed gets made and Corki is invited up for a session of belly rubbing, eye cleaning, back scratching, and butt rubbing from Jackie and me.  She has to be on the bed for Jackie to reach her.
     If we don't do that, Corki won't eat.
     If we are getting ready to go out, she won't eat.
     We took her for grooming yesterday, today she would not eat.
     She is a finicky little dog.
     I'm really glad we adopted her.  She has been her a little over four months and she almost has us trained to her standards.
     In another two months, she should be running the household completely.
     It's amazing how smart dogs can be.
     Too bad they can't run for president.

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