Tuesday, February 23, 2016

cost of doin' business

I bought a new printer cartridge

     I know...big whoop ti do.
     I have an older model HP printer.  It takes a black ribbon and a color ribbon.
     The black always runs out faster.
     I used to be able to buy a package of both for cheaper than buying two individuals.  I can't seem to find the package of two anymore.
     So I buy one cartridge at a time.
     My black cartridge costs $46.
     The colored one is $48, so I did not buy one.
     I can get a new printer for less than $100.
     The printer is two computers old.  So it is probably about 10 years old, and they are no longer selling the ribbons in large numbers.  Office Max does not even stock them.
     I can order them on line, but they are no cheaper than going to Wallyworld and buying them there.      I brought my new cartridge home and put it in....and it seems I need a color one too.
     So here is my dilemma:  do I buy a new printer, which uses much less costly ink refills, or continue to use my perfectly good but expensive cartridge consuming printer?  If I buy a new printer, how do I know it will be compatible with my 6 year old I Mac?  Why do I print stuff anyway?  Will the airlines accept my ticket if it is really printed in bizarro color?  Do I risk it?
     All these questions loom in my mind tonight.
     Topping it off, I was in my HUB volunteer mode today when one of the kids mentioned old people.
     "Hey, be careful when you talk about old people," I said.
     This little girl said, "I don't mean you Mr. D.  I mean people who are 70....now that's old."
     I looked at her and said, "You know, I am almost 68."
     Without missing a beat she said, "Ok, then 75.  They are really old."
     Another reminder that life is to be lived.

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