Wednesday, February 24, 2016

false hopes

I have not finished by book goal

     I planned to read all the Donna Leon books, featuring Guido Brunetti as the chief detective, during my hernia repair recovery time.
     But I am a little behind.  (Some people do call me a little ass, but it does not mean the same thing._
     I am only on book 9 of the 22 book series.
     I have been using the inter library loan option and have been able to get books from Kankakee, Joliet, DeKalb, Lockport and other towns.  Plus I have a few to round out the series.
   But I hit a roadblock today.
    I ordered Friends in High Places but when I got the book, it wasn't a Donna Leon.  It seems there are multiple Friends in High Places by different authors.  The one I want doesn't seem to be at any library, so I spent $12 and ordered it from Barnes and Noble.
     Oh well.  I have spent a lot of money lately, and some of it even made sense.
     I love the books and found a web site with a map of Venice, where the stories take place.
     I can almost picture walking down she narrow streets, seeing the dirty waters of the canals, watching the tourists in San Marco square.  Eating gelatto from a small stand.
     Ahhh.........  The travel bug has bitten me.  I must obey.
     Speaking of bugs, we have little black bugs buzzing around.  At first I thought they were coming from my incision......just joking.
     I don't know where they came from...maybe the poinsettia?
     At first I thought they were floaters in my eyes, but Jackie has seen them also.
     Such is life.
     I seem to be floating off to sleep right now.......

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