Sunday, February 7, 2016

super party

I have only gone to one super bowl party

     That was when the Bears destroyed the Patriots ..... many, many years ago.
     We went to Karen and Jim's and watched the game over there.
     In addition, I don't believe we have ever had people over to watch the game, besides family.
     I think we have been invited, but me being the anti social person I am, we haven't gone.
     I guess it would be fun, but I want to watch the game and not do a lot of talking.  And unless there is wine, I probably would not drink anything either.
     If I was with people today, there probably would have been a lively discussion about the half time show.  I heard performers I barely know sing music I really don't like.  Then I read on various blogs that there was a message to all of it.
     I just thought it was a bunch of people singing and dancing.   Ok, at my age I use the term singling rather loosely.
     I did like Lady Gaga.  I missed the first few seconds, then saw this beautiful woman with  an amazing voice and at first was a little confused, because I thought Lady Gaga was doing the anthem.
    Then Jackie said it was Lady Gaga,  I just didn't recognize her.   I enjoyed that.
     I loved the first Prius commercial, with the bank robbers.  I liked the Doritos one with the baby in the hospital, and in between trips to the bathroom, letting out the dog, getting more chili, I am sure I missed some good ones.
     I did find it hard to believe companies spent $5 million on a 30 second ad.  If I was spending that much it would be a totally unforgettable, amazing commercial.
      One other part of the whole show I liked was the montage of previous half time performers.  It was sad to see the ones who died way to early, and amazing to think Mick Jagger and the Stones actually played a half time.
     And the score?  I was pulling for Denver because I am sentimental.  I like Payton Manning.  I hope he decides to retire after this win.
     It's always good to go out on top.
     Cam Newton will have other opportunities.  Of course, I thought that about the 85 Bears but that   didn't work out.  I think Rivera is smarter than Ditka, so they will be back.
     Now it's waiting for pitchers and catchers to report and for the Blackhawks to win another cup.
     I still dream of a Chicago, hockey, football, basketball, soccer.....but I don't think that will happen soon.
     But it will be a nice thought to dream on.

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