Saturday, February 27, 2016

roller coaster time

I just listened to the weather forecast
     I could have sworn they said a high of 55 tomorrow and a low of 20 tomorrow night.
     That is a roller coaster!
     And snow midweek....maybe an inch or four.  Who knows?
     A butterfly farts in Australia and it changes our weather pattern.
     Weather forecasting would be a great job to have.  You get it wrong like98 per cent of the time and people still tune in to listen!  amazing.
     If baseball umpires were as accurate, it would be chaos on the field.
     Too many times I have carried and umbrella when it's sunny and not carried it in a downpour.
     I've stocked the shelves for a winter storm only to be eating soup for the next two weeks.  Not that I don't like soup....I do.  I like blizzards too.
     So I go to bed tonight with a little vino in my bod and a hope for warm temperatures tomorrow.     Yes, it will be windy so don't drive next to a semi.
     But before I do turn in, I am going to take a moment to say a little prayer for Steve and his family.
     Even if you don't know who I am talking about, just put a good word in for him tonight.
    Peace and love.

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