Thursday, February 11, 2016


I think the TR show went pretty well

     I heard 75 people showed up for the Apocrypha  of Theodore Roosevelt, the readers' theater show I was in today.
     I was Teddy.  It was a one person show based on a two act play.  We had time constraints, so some editing was done but it was still close to one hour.
     Most of you know how I operate.  Slapdash.  Last Minute, Skin of My Teeth.
     I actually bought a moustache for this show.
     TR had a big, bushy moustache that dominated his face.  I browsed on line and found the perfect moustache.  I ordered it about a month ago.
     I opened it last night.
     It looked like a moustache grown by a 14 year old boy.  It was very thin, very small and did not look like the illustration at all.
      If I had opened it three weeks ago, when I got it, I could have reordered one that was better suited to the former president.
     I wore it, but it was not what I expected.
     However it was made from human hair.  And it was made in Bangladesh.  I don't know if there are health concerns.  I also didn't know there were blond people there.
     In comedy, timing is everything.
     For the past week I have had a scratchy throat.
     Tonight I have a sore throat.  My head hurts.  My body is a little sore.  My ears hurt.
     I have made a nice hot toddy to sooth the throat, and it seems to be doing a remarkable job at soothing the mind also.
     Want to know my retirement fantasy?
     I was going to "be" Teddy Roosevelt and Ben Franklin and do school talks and visits, charging $100 or so for a 40 minute show.  Not a written play, but just tell about their lives, theird accomplishments.  Answer some questions.
     I think it would have been a lot of fun.  And costuming would have been very expensive, although I did think Jackie could have made some of the costume.
     But I can't think of a better way to make history come alive for elementary school youngsters.
    Maybe I should follow Teddy's maxim:  It is better to wear out than rust out.

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