Friday, May 1, 2015


I forgot a date to remember

I had my weekend all planned out:  finish the raised gardens, move the dirt, install the railing, reseed and fertilize......
Then I got a phone call reminding me that I volunteered to be at the museum Saturday.  All day.   11-4.
I did not remember the date, but I remembered volunteering.
I may only be there 11-2...jury is still out on that.
I know it's only three hours, but it comes in the middle of the day!  I could try to get up and do some dirt sifting, but I don't get up early.
     OK, dirt sifting.  I know you are thinking I had a typo.  I don't.  I have a pile of dirt on the lot next door.  There are rocks and other debris in the dirt.  I bought some chicken wire, built a 2 ft by 3 ft. frame, and stretched the wire over the frame.  Now I scoop up the dirt, throw it on top of the wire, shake it back and forth and the rocks get sorted out.
    My arms are killing. me.  (I used to ask fifth graders if their face hurt.  If they asked why, I'd laugh and say "Cause it's killing me!"  They did not laugh.  But they also learned to ignore the question.)
      Lifting, sifting,'s a drag on an old body like mine.  But I did manage to fill one yard cart and move it to the raised garden.  I have another cart started, and hopefully I can get that to the raised garden before it rains.
     I have a tow behind spreader.  I did not think (surprise) too clearly on how it works with my mower.  In theory, you hook it to the tractor, start moving, reach back and open the hopper and spread whatever stuff you want merrily around your yard.
     Unfortunately, the reach is about 3 feet.  I can't reach it from the mower seat.  If I open the hopper and don't move right away, seed or fertilizer just spills out.
So I have a 4 ft. pole (no, I am not making a joke about someone from a European country who is short.  It's an actual pole.) and I start the mower, reach back with the pole, open the hopper and go like mad.
     I have a zero turn radius mower and if I take my hands off the controls, it goes in weird directions.
     If I was able to mark where I was going, it would look like a drunken lunatic was driving.  Hopefully the grass will be evenly green and not have huge swatches of dark green, or dead, lawn.
Reseeding and fertilizer....done.
moving dirt third done
finishing half done
tired and sore....completely done

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