Friday, May 15, 2015

a look into the future?

I make fun of getting old and forgetting stuff

     I blame it on lack of concentration, getting old, not caring.
     I often say one day I am going to go out for a paper and police will find me wandering the streets of Memphis, broke, alone, disheveled and confused.
     Those thoughts ran through my mind today.
     I stopped at the cemetery where my mom and dad are buried.  Coincidentally, Howlin' Wolf is buried in the same cemetery.
     This is on IL 38 near Oakbrook.  So, I thought I'd stop off at The Container Store and see what looked interesting to buy.
     I drive by land marks.  Directions?  They are ok, but landmarks are the key.
     I knew I was in trouble when nothing looked familiar.
     I got off 38 at Butterfield Road, thinking that was a north-south street.
     It's an east west, sort of.
     After driving for 15 minutes, I realized I was totally and completely lost.
     So I pulled into a parking lot, called Jackie and said I was a little delayed.  I was parked in front of a neat restaurant named Buda's.  It was a pretty cool looking place.  Italian.
     I haven't figured out Mapquest on my phone, so i got out my trusty state map and tried to find out where I was.
     To this day, I still can't refold a map correctly.  I just kind of fold em and shove them in the glove box.  And about the only thing I don't have in the glove box is gloves, but that's a story for another era.
     Pulled back on the road, made a right, made a left, saw a sign that said 88 and got on the tollway.
     Tonight I searched for Buda's Restaurant.
     The listing I got looked really nice, but it was located in Budapest, Hungary!
     How freakin' lost was I?
     I looked for restaurants in Oakbrook Terrace, Hillside, anywhere along Rt 56....but did not find a Buda's
     I think I may have found a time warp.  You know, that bubble that transports you to a different place.  I must have gone to Hungary and somehow reentered it and ended up on the tollway.
     My quest for a container was unfilled.  But I did get just took a little while longer than usual.
     But at least I knew where I was going.

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