Monday, May 4, 2015

why? because

We save too much stuff

     Going through the garage stuff has proven that point.
     Yes, some of it was saved for a reason.  We put Julia's dishes, pots and pans, decorations, and knick knacks (that's an old person's word for stuff that collects dust) into tubs and stored them first in our basement, then in Emily's.
     An EF 4 tornado kind of forces you to sift through the stuff and discard the broken, the unwanted, the unnecessary.
     What have we encountered?
     We found Jackie's picture of her grandpa from WW I.  We would like to get that restored, so we are going to visit Danny at the studio to get his opinion, and estimate.
    Emily was in Camp Fire Girls along about 2nd or third grade.  We have her vest.  Still.  Last week while I was at the museum entertaining myself I looked at the Camp Fire Girls display in the Curiosity Cabinet.  They disbanded in Rochelle in 1992.  If any one wants the vest, call ASAP.
     We have a parent guide for kindergartners for Kimble Hill Elementary in Rolling Meadows.
     We found the authentication slip for Julia's Troy Aikman autographed photo, but the framed 11 x 14 picture has flown the coop.
     A nice set of hand painted dishes, which may belong to Julia, but she has no recollection of them.   Along the dish line, her Fiesta ware took a beating as did Jackie's grandmother's China.  Does anyone use China anymore?  We used to, at Christmas, but it always has to be hand washed.  Jackie's was a beautiful set and I was sad to see it damaged.
     My historical guide to Chicago is from about 1960.  Judging by my signature, I was just learning cursive.  In all honesty, it actually looks better than my current handwriting.
     (Digression:  One year after report cards came out, a little girl came in and said, "You have a funny first name, Mr. Dickow."  I said I didn't think it was funny...actually pretty common.   "But your name is Tenny.  My folks said that was strange."  Well, when it came to signing my name I got a little lazy and my r looked like Terry Dickow became Tenny Dickow.  I tried to write more carefully after that.)
     Cabbage Patch dolls of Emily's went to a family friend, and her little girl is enjoying the heck out of the dolls.  By the way, the little girl's name is Julia!
     What was amazing was a tub could be still sealed, and there was insulation inside!  In fact, one tub was snapped shut...but a ball of yarn was outside the box, with the other half still inside the snapped tight lid.
     While it is good to get rid on unwanted things, I know there is a better way than having your house destroyed.

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