Thursday, May 14, 2015

any bright ideas??

I need to get rid of dirt

     I can't believe I am saying that.
     After all, I have bought probably 50 bags of top soil, cow manure, organic peat and humus and peat moss to build up my raised gardens.  (Which look lovely, all nicely planted, if I don't say so myself.)
     Now I have a cart load of dirt, which at this very moment is filling up with rain water to make it a truly squishy situation.
     I planted two trees today and have dirt from the holes.  And I have dirt from the dirt pile.  And I have dirt from the flower transplant.
     I guess I could hook up the cart and drag it over to Emily's and find a place over there...after all, there is going to be some excavating going on in a week or so.
     But driving at 5 miles an hour on Skare Road is not a very smart thing to do.
     I filled some low spots today.  It is not very good dirt, lots of clay, but I used it anyway.  After all, the grass has grown in it before, so it should grow in in again.  If I plant seed, that is.  So I figure it was good to use in low spots.
     But I still have a lot left!
     Maybe I should build a hill in my soon to maybe materialize Illinois native flowers garden, if I ever get that far.
     It would be a small hill, but it would offer some relief to a flat yard and maybe I could sell it as a natural glacial deposit.
     A pitcher's mound?  Maybe not with my rotator cuff issue.
     I will use some to fill the hole that has appeared in my yard.  It is about 5 inches across.  There is no earth ring around it, so I don't think an animal has done it.  Maybe it's a sink hole starting to form.
     That would be my luck.  Evade a tornado, get swallowed up by a sink hole.
     Oh well.
     If you have any suggestions, please pass them on.  After all, I know at heart you are all thinking dirt thoughts at this point.
     Peace and love.

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