Saturday, May 23, 2015

did you look in the .....

I seem to have lost some pictures

     When I was teaching , I took a lot of pictures.  I put most of them in albums at the end of the school year.  Class picture, pictures of activities, a full year in pictorial review.
     Most of them.
     The last two classes I did not do that.  I put the pictures in a tub and last year I put the graduating classes pictures in a photo album just in case I was invited to a graduation party.
     I put my last year's class into a box.
     I opened the box the other day to put photos in an album and guess what?  Half the pictures are missing, along with the year book and class picture.
     I have looked everywhere.  I even found pictures from our trip to Venice....those were going in an album too.  I took  lot of pictures in Venice, but they never made it into an album.
     But it really bugs me about the school pictures.  We have been invited to a couple of parties, and I thought the new graduates would enjoy at themselves at age 10.  Mainly I am missing Halloween and Old Stone School pictures.  Where they could have gotten to is beyond me.
     What I did discover is:  I spent a lot of money on pictures!  I bet I could buy a ticket to Switzerland with what I spent.
     Funny, huh?  Especially since I have so many in boxes, not albums.
     I have had 8 years to do this!!  Why do I still have vacation pictures in boxes?
     I also found several albums, bought to hold the pictures.  There must be five or six albums, just waiting for pictures.
     So this winter I am going to put Jackie to work on sorting and putting the pictures in albums.  If she goes along with that, we can get all the pictures out of boxes, into albums, and put them on a shelf where we will never look at them again.
     In 2006 I discovered the beauty of photo books.  Yes, they are expensive, but I pick the pictures I want and size them to what I want and place them where I want..... all in a nicely bound book.
     And I do look at those from time to time.  I like to see where I have been, and I imagine the day will come that seeing those pictures will spark my memory when it needs sparking.
     I hope this entry on pictures was not too negative.  I will bring the album to a couple of parties and see what develops.  Hopefully, people will understand, because nothing is always black and white.
     OK, enough of the photo references.
     How much you want to bet that I find the missing photos within the next three months?  It will be when I am not looking for them.
     It's frustrating being me!

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