Monday, May 18, 2015

that was hard

I went for my first outside bike ride today

     I had ridden in the basement, but decided it was time to take that show on the road.
     Then I forgot a cardinal rule....always ride into the wind on the way out, with the wind on the way back.
     Not that it would have mattered.  There was a fairly stiff breeze today....and it seems like there has been a pretty stiff breeze every day.
     Last week I bought a shagbark hickory and a bur oak.  I planted them.  They were almost leaning onto the ground, the wind was so strong.  So I staked the trees to encourage them to grow straight.
     Easier said than done.  I have a little problem finding straight lines.  I have an unbalanced focus issue in my eyes , and things never look straight.
     But I went ahead and tried to stake and straighten the trees.
     They do look better, but they are not straight.  Plus, my staking technique is not very good.
     My first attempt was using a package of rubber strips made especially for staking trees.  They blew apart Sunday.  So I fashioned some out of a cut up hose and some 16 gauge wire.  I used tent stakes, then I used 3 foot poles.  And then I used more wire.  More hose. get the idea.  the bur oak leans a little, but I can't do much better.
     The shagbark is another story.  It is fine about four feet up, then it bends.  So I put a 5 foot fence post in and had to bang it down with a sledge hammer.  Try that with a sore shoulder!
     Then I wired that, using the store bought bands.
     Looking at it, it looks fairly straight.
    The problem is there are so many wires....It looks like a  Ma Bell went crazy!  (Ma Bell was the phone company that provided perfectly good service until it was broken up by the government because it was too large and virtually a monopoly.  Why mess with a good thing?)
      I will have to go out there when it isn't windy and try again.
     Because in 150 years, I don't want people complaining that the bur oak leans.
     And if anybody has a beter plan, I am open to suggestions.
     Now I am tired from the bike ride.  Legs are a little sore.  Plan to go again tomorrow.  But the temps are falling.
     I do have to get in shape for the MS Tour de Farms in June.  It's not to late to sponsor me and help raise money for MS research.  Visit the MS of Illinois page and look up my name on Jackies Jokers team.  You'll sleep better once you donate.

Peace and love.

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