Sunday, May 31, 2015

grr.......Sunday drivers!

I wonder about the term Sunday drivers

     I think it refers to people who don't drive very often, but pick Sunday as the day to take a drive in the country with the family.  Maybe even the pet dog.  Maybe even Grandma.  They tend to drive a little slower, gawk a little longer, and really tick the rest of us off.
     That's my only explanation for today.
     I was doing 50 when the goofy person pulled in front of me.  Now it was not an accident situation, but she was not accelerating.   I admit I came up on her fast, but I had no choice.  She pulled out in front of me.
     Incidentally, there was no one, NO ONE, behind me on the road.  She did not even come to a complete stop, but she slowed down and rolled through it.
     When Flagg Road went to two lanes, she went in the left lane, then right.  When she was in the right lane, I passed her.
     She could barely see over the wheel!  Seriously, she was looking through the wheel to see the road.  No wonder she pulled out in front of me...her vision was probably blocked by the dashboard!
     And then I get to Caron Road and Illinois 38. We have a red light.  The lady in the humongous, gas guzzling, over polluting SUV next to me looked to the left, looked to the right and then drove through the red light to continue on her merry way!  At least she looked before violating the law.
     Then in DeKalb, after church, I was on Hillcrest (I think.  Maybe it's Hillside) by Kishwaukee River.  There is a pedestrian crossing there and there was a guy on a bike in the crosswalk.  So I stopped.  State law says stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk.
     The car behind me started to pass on the left, then noticed the biker and stopped.
     I waved the biker across.  Another car came behind us.  I waved to the biker again.
     He just stared at me.  I waved a third time.  He continued to stand there staring at the five cars now lined up.
     So I drove on, puzzled by his inaction.
     I am chalking it all up to Sunday drivers, either in cars or on bikes.
     I know, that doesn't explain those idiots on Monday. And it sure doesn't explain my driving the rest of the week.

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