Wednesday, May 6, 2015

must be the full moon

I am going nuts because of people

     Good gracious, what is wrong with people?
     The other day I was on my way into town.  I was turning left onto Flagg Road at the same time a car was turning onto Flagg Road from Indian Trials subdivision.
     Now folks, that road is at least a quarter mile away.  I don't drive fast.  I accelerate gently to conserve fuel and protect the environment.
     I caught up to the guy almost immediately.  Yes, guy.  Middle aged guy driving a light tan SUV.        He was doing 20.  20!  Plus he was swerving over the yellow line then going onto the shoulder.  I was going to call the police, but a passing zone opened and I passed by him at about the mind numbing speed of 40.
     He was texting!!  He had his dam phone in his right hand and he had his arm extended about two feet from his body!  The reason he was driving erratically was, he was texting!
      I did not call the police, because I figured by the time I pulled over and called, he would have been done and driving normally....if he lived that long.
     I went to Walmart today and some lazy butt had left their cart in a parking spot 10 feet away from a cart corral.  Ten feet!!  The person was too lazy, or stupid, to walk the 10 feet and put the cart where it would not be blocking a parking space.
     Don't get me started on the Cubs!  If they had blown tonight's game, I would have blown a gasket!  Two games when they were ahead, two games they lose.  At least tonight they held on, but they have a way to go to be contenders.
     Finally, voles.
     At least I think it was a vole.
     I was mowing and a fat little mouse like creature with no tail ran through the grass.  It kept running back and forth, unable to decide where it wanted to go.
     I went into the house for my butterfly net (yes, I have a butterfly net.  Laugh if you want.  I don't know how good it is for catching voles, but I was determined to try) but when I got back it was gone.      That explains the holes in the back yard and the trails through the grass.
     OK, the vole isn't people, but it has legs and hair, which means it could be smarter than the guy texting and the shopper to lazy to push the cart to the return.
     That's it.
      Love and peace to all.

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