Saturday, May 30, 2015

what the hey

I don't see as well as I once did

     Or read as well, either.
     While driving to my niece's eight grade graduation party today, we went through Marengo.
there was a huge sign that said:  Free Hydrant Fishing Today.
     Free hydrant fishing?
     I am thinking, how did they get fish in the hydrants?  And how do you catch them?
     The sign made no sense because I read the words wrong.  It said:  Fire Hydrant Flushing Today.
     Now, there is a big difference between free fishing and hydrant flushing.  My eyes saw the right letters, but my mind read the wrong words.
     Is this a condition I need to worry about?
     I already worry about Alzheimer's, halitosis, tinnitus,  loss of my hair, loss of my teeth, loss of my car keys..... I don't really need another thing to worry about.
      In fact, the only think I can't seem to lose is weight.  Whenever I get on the scale, I seem to have found a little more than the last time.
     I also can't find summer.  It was here a couple of days ago, but I seem to have misplaced it.  After all, a windchill of 39, rain, cold, wind, cold....did I mention rain....seem to have caused summer to disappear again.
     At least the Hawks are winning....and the Cubs did not lose today!
     44 for an overnight low.  Good time to crawl into bed with a good book.
     Good night.

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