Friday, May 8, 2015

looking for a little pot today

I bought some plants today

     I know what you are thinking, you drug crazed sex maniacs!
     But they are flowers.  Lots of flowers.
    And a bush.
    We had some winter die off.  So I wanted to replace the plants with the same type.
    One of them, the coral bells, proved a little harder than I thought.
    Plum pudding is not a common coral bell, evidently.  I went to four different places before I finally found them.  It was like a garden shop tour of northern Illinois.
    Coral bells are Heuchera.  I can't say the name.  I try, but the people at the flower places just look at me and smile and call it something totally different than what I thought it would be.  So I call it coral bells.
    Sometimes my language skills are like Joey in Friends when he auditions for a French speaking role.  I don't have an ear for language.
    I have some young people coming over tomorrow and they will be planting my flowers.
    Emily won a work day at From the Heart.   Emily can't use that right now, for some reason, so Focus House kids will rake and plant for me tomorrow.
    Then I have to buy some gas for the grill and finish the vegetable gardens so I can plant those.  (No, I don't have to buy gas to finish the vegetable gardens, it's a run on sentence.)
    If it rains as much as it is supposed to tonight, the whole plan could be put on hold.  Nobody wants to dig in the mud.
    If worse comes to worse, I'll have to do the planting myself and say to heck with raking the ditch.
    Now that is a devil may care attitude, if I don't say so myself!

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