Saturday, May 2, 2015

dag nabbit!!

I called someone by the wrong name....again!

     I knew who he was, but for some reason it came out all wrong!  He just looked like someone else and I get terribly confused.
     It's not only people.  Back in the 60s there was a British spy show called The Avengers.  I was in lust with Emma Peel, played by Diana Riggs.  I still remember her name!  She was quite attractive.
      So when The Avengers movie came out, I was pretty stoked.  I wondered who would play Emma Peel?
     Imagine my chagrin when I discovered....I was from a different decade.  Or two.  The Avengers is a comic book based movie, and it does not include Emma Peel and John Steed!  Who knew?  OK, anyone under 55 probably did, but not me.
     And I heard Hawkeye was going to be in the area.  I thought the character from M.A.S.H. was touring in the form of Alan Alda but nooooooo, old one, Hawkeye is a band.  Or a singer.  But he is not from Korea in the 50s.  Again, who knew?
     Earl Flatt and Lester Scruggs were old timey "country" music players.  I still hear Luster Scruggs touring, but it does not seem to be the 865 year old banjo player I remember from my youth.  Again, who knew????
     I really think life is a cycle.  What was new back in the 50s is back again, new again, same name but different beat and a different look.
     Doesn't make it better, doesn't make it worse....just different.
     And for us older guys, it does present  problems.  We are having enough trouble trying to heat up suppers in the fridge!  Confusing us with similar names is just not nice!
     After all, I still think the Rumble in the Jungle was the fight of the century....and that wasn't too long ago...was it?

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