Wednesday, May 13, 2015

a light at the end of the tunnel

I feel like I am getting things done

     Seriously, I have done more in the past two weeks than I have in two years!
     I planted my raised garden today.  Usually I don't do that until mid July!  I put in beans, peas, carrots, green peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers.  I think I may have spot for I will try them.  Maybe a couple of onions.....who knows?  I feel wild and crazy!
     Friend John came out today and we dug up plants at Emily's.  Then we moved them to temporary planting space at my house.  It was quite fun.  I stole some of her hostas to fill in empty spots in my yard....but I don't think she will notice.
     She has a lot of ferns and lily of the valley....but I don't have a good spot for either.  I don't know if she will try to salvage them or not.
     I put my bur oak and my shagbark hickory in the back yard in the approximate area where they will be planted.
     A bur oak is extremely slow growing.  It will be 150 years before it is mature.  Jackie asked me why I planted such a slow grower because we will never enjoy it.  I said, "We don't plant trees for today, we plant trees for the future."  In 3015 some little kid will be sitting out under my oak and an acorn will fall off his head and he will say, "Hmm....i wonder who planted this tree?"
     I had to have a shagbark hickory....we live on shagbark lane!  There isn't a hickory in sight on our side of the subdivision.
     We used to live on Mill Pond.....but there was no mill, and no pond.  I think it was false advertising.  At least on Southview we had a view of the south.
     I still have five projects to accomplish by this weekend.  Throw in a zoo day Friday, and I will be a pretty busy little beaver for the next couple of days.
     Honestly, it feels good.  I have spent less time on the computer and more time working.
     But I did watch the Cubs.  And I am glad of it.  A late inning rally and the boys in blue steal one from the Mets.
     That felt good too.
     Good night and peace to you all.

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