Tuesday, May 5, 2015

what's that noise?

I have ringing in the ears

     I know that is not something new to you, I have mentioned this before.
     During winter's coldest days, I can hear locust singing in the trees in my mind.
     There is a high pitch that is constant...a tinny hum that I hear day or night, awake or asleep.
     This has been a problem for years.  I read some articles on line and basically there is no cure or medication, but there are some mind control techniques that you can do.
    Mind control?
     If I had any control, I would not eat like a pig.
     Something new has developed in the past few days.
     When someone taps on a glass with a spoon, it makes a clinking sound.  Try that 24/7!
     When I first noticed it on Sunday, I thought there was a smoke detector losing its battery.  Then I looked for a dripping faucet.  I looked for an appliance that had a dying battery.
     Nope.  It's all inside my head.
     I have a problem with names.....and now I think it's because the constant noise takes up space in the memory card and  causing the brain to jettison information considered not vital.  Like names.  Or bread when I go to the grocery store.  Or telling my wife someone called for her and it's important to call them back but that was yesterday so maybe it is no longer important.
     In any case, it's we8ird inside with the high pitched noise, the locusts, the beeping and the general crackling all mixed into a strange, chaotic symphony.
     It's enough to drive me to drink.  Kind of maddening, really.
     I also think that's why some nights I don't sleep well, and why I seem to sleep better with music playing outside my head.
     Maybe it's time to visit an audiologist......after all, there could be something I can do to ease the situation.   Or not.
     I gotta go.....seems the phone is ringing.

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