Friday, May 22, 2015

done for another year

We finished our bird houses....sort of

    I put all the stuff I needed to attach the bottoms in Jackie's van when we went in together Thursday.
     And I proceeded to leave them in the van.  When I got to Tilton on Friday, I could not find my staple gun and the tiny screws.
     I could have called Jackie and had her bring them.... but I was not positive they were in the van.  Could have been in the laundry room.  Could have been in the garage.  Hard to tell where I leave things.
     Now i have to go in Tuesday and take about 10 minutes to attach the rubber tubing and two screws.  That is to allow the birdhouses to be opened and cleaned out in the spring.
     I sometimes wonder how many birdhouses my mini courses have produced. I generally have 6-8 kids in a group, been doing it for 30 years or longer.  I could be the largest builder of bird houses in Rochelle!
     I also wonder if kids get birds in them.  I like to think they do, but I like to think I am young, slim and good looking too.
     I wore my Swiss flag t shirt today.  It is red with a white cross.  I asked them what the shirt meant, they all said "Red Cross."  I pointed out the cross was white, and no, it is not for the white cross, whatever that is.
     I explained my daughter lived in Switzerland, that's why I had the shirt.
     I also brought them little chocolates.  And yes, I did check with the school nurse to be sure no one had a peanut allergy.
     It was funny to see all 8 of them bounding up and down as they left the room, on a mini chocolate high.
     I am also glad I did it at the end of the session and not the beginning.
    Now I have to sort supplies and return some things.
    Last year we went through 8 drill bits.  This year, I bought four packs of double bits and they did not break a one.  So those can go back, along with a bicycle inner tube, and maybe some sand paper.
    Then I will stack the tub in the garage until next year.
    Such is the life of a bird house builder these days.

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