Saturday, May 9, 2015

now that was a mistake

Sometimes I am pretty stupid

     I said sometimes.  Not always.  Sometimes.
    Yesterday I went plant shopping.  Since we ended up at Blumen Gardens in Sycamore, it seemed necessary to stop at Ollie's.  It was very good....peanut butter M and M.  Dripping good.
    On the way home it rained a little, not a lot, but it looked dark.
We hit Headon's for some steaks for Sunday.  Jackie's brother is in from California, and we are having a Lombardi clan get together.
    I also bought a cherry turnover, because I love cherry turnovers.
    So far, so good.
    Got home and it was raining a little harder.  I got the walker out of the car, Jackie's purse, unlaoded the plants, left the car door open so I could grab the meat, took out the bush, closed the door, went in the house, went out, had some night.
    This morning I could not find my turnover.
    There are no dogs in the house, so I figured I just put it someplace odd, as I am prone to do at times.
    Checked the pantry, checked the dining room table.  Then realized I put it in the fridge with the meat.
    So I opened the fridge meat.
   Then I realized why I had left the car door I could grab the meat.
    I called Headon's at 9 and asked them what would happen if I left steaks out in the car for, say....17 hours or so.  "Would they be safe to eat?" I asked.  He hemmed, hawed, and I asked, "Would you cook them and serve them?"
    His answer was quick:  No.
    I am not going to tell you what 7 New York strips cost.  I am trying to forget that.
    But rest assured, my guests won't die of food poisoning.

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