Tuesday, May 19, 2015

don't call my cell

I don't like getting calls on my cell phone

     I remembered that while making a U turn on Flagg Road yesterday.
     I had just passed an Anderson Plumbing truck.
     And I remembered why I don't like getting cell phone calls.
     Last Friday I was driving to the zoo.  I got a call from Anderson's.  They were coming out Monday at 10 to do maintenance on my on demand water heater.
     (And yes, I have a hands free phone system in my Honda.)
     I said great because we would be home.
     So Monday morning as Jackie is getting ready to go into the shower, I take off for town.  It's about 10.
     I passed the Anderson truck just coming out of Flagg Center.
     "Hmm," I thought to myself.  "Anderson.  Anderson. Anderson.....oh crap!"
     I called Jackie and told her to get dressed and answer the door.  Then I did a U turn and hurried home.
     I got there just in time to have her get in the shower while they checked the AC and when she was done, they serviced the water heater.
     All's well that ends well.
     But I can't remember stuff!  When I get a call on the cell phone, I may have a conversation with a person, but when I hang up.....pfft, it's gone!  No memory whatsoever.
     At least at home there is a recording, or a pad to write stuff down.  But in the car, I am helpless...at the mercy of my fickle memory.
     And folks, it doesn't take long to forget.  Jackie can call me on my way into a store and by the time I leave the store, I have forgotten what it was I was supposed to buy.
     It's a curse.
     But one I have to life with.

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