Monday, May 11, 2015

how old am I?

I had a birthday today

     I am confused.
     I turned 67 today, which means tomorrow I will be on Earth 68 years, right?
     After all, we celebrate the end of our year, not the beginning.  So my birthday came at the end of my 67th in just a minute I will be in my 68th year of life.
     In my world, a child has his first birthday the day he/she was born.  But in the real world, that birthday comes at the end of the year.
     Humans must be the only animal that celebrates birthdays.
     Dogs don't know when they were born.  Cats are clueless and could care less.  Fish never have a cake with candles to celebrate.
     We are the only species to do so.
     And when did we start?  Hallmark wasn't around, so somebody had to be the push behind birthdays.
     I can't imagine Igor and Betty in the cave when one of them turns to the other and says, "Ugh.  Birthday.  Happy. Bring food."
     Maybe they drew pictures on the wall of the cave to highlight when a baby was born, but usually the pictures are of animals, not people.
     Or during the Black Plague, did people take time out during all the burials and rat killings to bake a cake?  I don't think so.
     Presents are another issue.
     Who thought of giving presents on birthdays?
     Did Lincoln get tickets to a play for his birthday?
     Did some poor schmuck get a trip on the Titanic for his?
     And why are they called buffalo when they are really bison.  Would we honor Bison Bill Cody?
     Anyway, I had a pretty good birthday.  Talked to Julia; Julia, Emily and John gave me a Rolling Stones concert seat, Starbucks gave me my choice of coffee, Stone Eagle gave me a great sundae while at dinner with  great friends, Jackie got me a Miss Kim......and no, that is not some sort of hooker, it's a lilac bush that has fragrant flowers.  And the Cubs won.
     I guess I will stick around for another year or two.
    Aging is an adventure.  I hurt in places I never hurt before, I forget things.  I get confused.  My hair is thinning and my belly is expanding.
     But along the way I have had some good times, made some great friends, had lots of laughs, mourned the deaths of family and friends, seen the world, warped some minds, and had a lot of wine.
    Thanks to all who said Happy Birthday and to those who have been my friends through all 67 years.  Or 68.  Whatever.
     Peace and love to all.

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