Thursday, April 30, 2015

healthy as a horse

I saw my cardiologist today

   My I own him.  I am one of just a few hundred he sees during a regular year.
    But he is the guy who stented me back in 06.
     I was sitting in my classroom during reading.  A little red head named Carly raised her hand....and I could not get up.  The pain in my chest was terrific.
     Now, realizing all the symptoms of a heart attack....elephant sitting on my chest, pale, rapid pulse, pain shooting down my arm....I did what every person would do in that situation.  I got up and walked down to where Jackie was and said, "Take me to the hospital now.  I am having a heart attack."
     A couple of people suggested we call an ambulance, but I would have none of that.  I told Jack to meet me at the car.
     I went out the gym door at Tilton.  I went to the car.  I waited.  I waited. I waited.
     So I went back into the building looking for her and hoping I would not drop dead face down in the mac and cheese lunches.
   Meanwhile, Jackie goes out the west door looking for me.
    I can't find her so I go out the gym door.  She can't find me so she comes in the west door.
    We finally meet up and she drives me, still breathing, to the hospital.
     I walked in the emergency room doors and said, "Hello.  I think I am having a heart attack."
     I was.
     I was sent up to St. Anthony in an ambulance.  I asked the EMT driving if we could swing through McDonald's for a quarter pounder and fries, because I was hungry.  No dice.
     After getting settled in in my nice room in St. Anthony, I waited.  And waited.  Jackie and Emily came.  Carl came.  People called.  The only person who didn't come was a doctor.
     You all know my fear of hospitals, needles, operations, doctors, blood.
      When the doctor did show up, he explained I needed an angiogram to find any blockages.  I had two choices:  the next day at 2 p.m. or now, since there was an opening.  I opted for now.
     During one of these, you are not asleep but in a very pleasant la la land.  I could talk, but not feel.
At one point a voice came out of the darkness and said we need a 23 stent.  I asked if that was centimeters.  A voice came back, "If it was, it would be coming out your nose."
     I asked if I would be able to play the piano after this.  The voice responded, "No, because you couldn't play it before."
     I had a 99 per cent blockage in the Left Descending Aorta.  He said it is nicknamed "The Widowmaker."
     There was the little incident of me almost bleeding out when the plug in my leg blew, but that was quickly handled and I barely remember it.
     I like the doctor.  He is down to earth.
     He told me today I had to lose weight.  He said I needed to just get on my bike and ride.  Every day.  He said I needed to stop making excuses.
      He also said I needed to control my triglycerides.  And I will, as soon as I figure out what the hell they are.
     It's not easy breaking habits that are not good for you and creating new habits that are good for you.  No one lives forever.  We all die.
     But I don't think I am ready yet.  So, I am going to Google triglycerides.  At least it is a start.

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