Monday, May 25, 2015

lucky, lucky, me

I found my first four leaf clover, ever!

     I was weeding in the slope and there it was.  I was confused because I had never seen one except in pictures.
     But it has not been very lucky.
     I dumped a cup with paint brushes that had been sitting in a styrofoam cup filled with soap.  I refilled the cup and put it in the corner of the sink.  Then I opened the cabinet above it and a bottle fell out, spilling the cup again.
     So much for luck.
     My lottery tickets did not win.
     So much for luck.
     I listened to the Cubs while sealing my almost done patio furniture.  The Cubs lost.
     So much for luck.
     When cleaning that brush, I accidentally knocked it's container over, spilling all the goop.
     So much for luck.
     And I knocked the first cup over, the one with the paint brushes, again.
     So much for luck.
     We played cards with MK and Steve.  I lost.
     So much for luck.
     I had a loaner hand with one card that was suspect.  It was a loser.
     So much for luck.
     The Hawks gave up three first period goals.
     So much for luck.
     Wait a minute......the Hawks just scored two in the last minute!  OT!
     Now that is lucky!
     Maybe I will buy more lottery tickets tomorrow......after all, Julia needs a house and Emily needs a car.
     So much for luck!

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