Monday, June 1, 2015

oh deer

We had two fawns in our yard today

     I saw them scamper past around 3.  They babies were jumping and running like crazy.  One was feeding, and mom actually stepped on it.  Didn't seem to hurt the baby at all.
     They had a stare down with the neighbor's dogs......we were a little afraid the babies would not know the dogs were dangerous and go over to play, but hey didn't.
     Mom took them across Flagg Road.....surprised they all made it.  I am sure they will be back to nibble on my garden plants or the hostas.
     Deer are just some of the wildlife we have in our yard.  There are ground squirrels, not to be confused with chipmunks, and rabbits.  We can hear coyotes in the park, but I have never seen one.
     Then there is the hole.
     I have a hole about 8 inches in diameter in the yard.  There is no ring around it, so I don't think a burrowing animal made it.
     I have not seen anything large enough living in the area that would need a hole that size.
     So now I worry.
     Is it a sink hole developing?  Will my house be sucked down into it?
     Is it a spirit hole, where the original dwellers of the area lived and went back to when times got tough?
     Is it a volcano?
     Are there giant bees living in the yard?
     I don't know if there is an answer.  I do know I have some sand and will be filling it up in the next week or so.
     I just hope that is not a mistake.  Would hate for a critter to burrow into the basement.

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