Tuesday, March 31, 2015


My feet itch

     I was sitting at the computer and suddenly my feet began to burn and itch.  I took off my socks and slippers and scratched my feet.  It did not help.  They are still hot and still itchy.
     My body does things like that.
     I will sneeze 15 times and then stop.
     Or get itchy feet.
     Or a cramping in my hand with my fingers locked into a position where I have to literally pull them apart.  That hasn't happened for a while.  I started to rub the muscle on the top of my hand and that seemed to help.
     Now my hot, itchy feet include a spot on the big toe where it feels like tape is stuck to it....but there is no tape.
     My body is just weird!
     Even when I was a kid, it did strange things.
     I have a belly that won't go away and a lump in my stomach that can only be surgically repaired.  I once asked about having that done to approve my appearance, but the doctor said it was pretty painful and not real important at a certain point in life.  He also said my appearance would not be greatly improved.
     Throw in the ringing in the ears and the constant floaters in the eyes, and I am a real mess.
     At least I still have my hair.  Most of it, anyway.
     I got it cut today.  I figured Loomis deserved wild, crazy hair, and I did my best to give it to him.  But now he is history, so my golden locks were shorn today.
     Maybe that's why I am so weak and listless.
     Was Delilah the barber??  I wonder.

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