Thursday, March 26, 2015

what the hell......

I may have made a big mistake today

     I let the dogs out at about 8.  I let the dogs in about 8:15.  I went home.  I know I gave everybody treats.
     When I went back to Emily's at about 1, I opened the dog room and there were only three dogs!  Two of the greyhounds were missing!!
     I looked outside and there they were, on the porch.
     Now I know I am getting a little memory impaired at this point in life.  But how could I miss two dogs?
     So I have a theory.
     I let all the dogs in, but did not close the door all the way.  It was pretty windy today.  My guess is the door blew open, two dogs went out, and the door blew shut.
     Luckily it was in the 40s an the sun was out.  When I let them in, they went in the house and drank, then went out again!
     They came back in, but this time I checked the door and did a head count.
     I like that idea better than my being unable to keep track of the dogs, and my mind!
     I am headed back now....fortified by wine.....and fully expect to find all the dogs in the sun room.
     Last night there was a strong skunk scent in the front of Em's house.  I am just glad the little bugger didn't get in the house and spray the dogs.....that would have created a massive problem!

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